
Malik Hassan almost 4 years ago

" I travelled from Jammu in Lucky Bus Service last weekend. The bus was very well maintained and my berth was very comfy. The only thing which bothered me a bit was the gangway which was little narrow. Rest everything was fine. The driver was very cool and easy-going. Responded nicely to me. He also stopped the bus at the intermediate stops. It was a friendly atmosphere and I enjoyed the journey thoroughly. No unnecessary halts because of which we could reach our destination on time. "

Lakshman almost 4 years ago

" I had booked tickets for me and my grandparents with Lucky Bus Service from Delhi. The travel experience was great, my grandparents were not fatigued and they also helped us reach on-time. "

Rithul Singh almost 4 years ago

" I recently travelled from Lucknow with Lucky Bus Service. It was a sleeper bus and I felt the bus was very comfortable and the staff was very friendly and co-operative. Great going Lucky Bus Service keep it up. "

Prithvi almost 4 years ago

" I travelled from Panipat by Lucky Bus Service with my friends. The buses were well-maintained and the staff was very courteous towards us. It feels great to be travelling with a bus operating company that shows complete concern towards passenger's comfort. "

Wish you a Happy and Comfortable Journey

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